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Q1 is done. Do you know what your Q2 results will look like? You will if you use these tools.
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So, the first quarter is done. What do you want to achieve in the next 90 days?
The men’s NCAA swimming tournament finished last week, and Cal, my alma mater, came second. For the last 12 years, they’ve either finished first or second in this tournament, and that’s a phenomenal record. Results like that don’t happen by chance. Dave Durden, the men’s coach, lays down a plan for each swimmer at the beginning of the season, so they have something to track their progress by. Come March or April, when the NCAA tournament is on, they have every reason to expect success. They’ve followed a plan. They’ve followed it meticulously. They’ve taken care of the priorities—taken care of what they needed to take care of most.
And you, as a financial advisor, need to do the same within your business. Now Q1 is over. Q2 is starting. We have 90 days until June 30. What do you want to achieve by June 30? What are those key priorities that you want to achieve within your business that are going to have you on your way to making 2021 a phenomenal year for you?
Each quarter you hear this same post from me. It’s because I believe in the system. I speak with advisors all day long, and the ones who set very clear, specific goals succeed. Surprise, surprise! They know exactly what they want, where they’re going, and when they want to arrive there. So to help you, we have attached documents for you to use to plan with, as well.
At Ash Brokerage, like I mentioned, we work with advisors all day long, and we want to provide you with resources that are going to ensure that these next 90 days can be 90 days of real fruitful effort. So maybe it’s increasing your “A” clients by another five percent. When we get specific, is that adding another four clients? Maybe it’s adjusting your CRM system to better utilize it so it makes time management even more effective for your team. Regardless of what it is, I’ve attached resources to this post for you to download.
You have the TARGET Goal Sheet, where you get specific about what it is you want to achieve and by when you want to achieve it. And then the Distraction-Proof Pathway Worksheet allows you to transcribe what you wrote on that TARGET Goal Sheet and then skip across to the third column to list the benefits. What are you going to experience once you achieve that? How is it going to help? What will it feel like when you have more time to dedicate to family or to dedicate to a cause that you have? Download these sheets and get planning for these next 90 days!
So, to do this most effectively,
It is that simple. It’s not necessarily an easy process to then put into play day after day, but it is a simple process that leads to phenomenal results. So just like the Cal men’s swim team does, plan for what you want. Write it down, record it. Get excited about the thought of achieving it, and then begin today taking those priority steps to ensure that within 90 days you’ll hit all your objectives.
I look forward to bringing you another Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea next week.
For more Distraction-Proof Advisor videos, visit my blog directory page to link to more ideas to help you gain control, work smarter and succeed sooner.
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Paul Kingsman is a sought-after expert on how to be distraction-proof. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, he teaches financial services professionals how to maintain focus and take practical daily steps to successfully grow their businesses and achieve outstanding long-term results. To find out more about Paul and how he can equip you or your team to achieve your own outstanding results, visit
"2021 has been a great year for my business, and a lot of that was because of what I learned from you, Paul. You've been an advisor, so you get it! Thank you so much for your invaluable transformative coaching and advice!"
Michelle Glass, Glass Financial Advisors