Business-building ideas and advice to move you forward faster.
Today we’re covering the final and most important step in our four-part series on our effective goal-setting and achieving process. (If you’ve missed any of the previous three weeks, click on the links below to get caught up.)
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For the last three weeks (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3), we’ve been talking about an effective process for you to reach your goals. Today, we’re going to talk about the final step, where the rubber meets the road.
If you’ve missed the last three weeks, click on the links (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) to get all caught up.
This week is the most important piece of this goal-setting and achieving process. It’s where the rubber meets the road, where you get to decide on the priorities and then program them into your schedule.
You’ll see we’ve worked through the Distraction-Proof Pathway worksheet. We’ve transcribed our TARGET Goals on the left hand column. We jumped across to list the Benefits and Results we want to experience—the why of what we’re doing.
By the end of last week we identified what we want to achieve and what we want to feel or enjoy when we have completed those achievements. Now, come back to that middle column on the Distraction-Proof Pathway Worksheet, the Goal-Reaching Priorities column, and put down what has to be done now to make those other two columns add up. We know what we want (TARGET Goals). We know how we’ll feel when we get it (Benefits and Results). Now, simply, what have we got to do to achieve it?
This is the critical point that you need to now program into your schedule. These are the priorities that you’re saying must get done in order to make those other two pieces (your TARGET Goals and your Benefits and Results) a reality. Successfully reaching your goals and experiencing the benefits of achieving those goals are the reasons you are setting these priorities. So, what do these priorities look like, and most importantly, how are you going to ensure they get done?
You need to schedule these priorities into your weekly calendar so you know what steps you need to take day, by day, by day. Don’t just fit them around engagements. Set your other engagements around these steps so you make sure these activities remain your top priorities. These are the things that must take place.
Set those TARGET Goals, jump to the third column and imagine how you’re going to feel upon achieving them. Then, simply put down what you have to do to achieve them.
I look forward to bringing you another Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea next week.
For more Distraction-Proof Advisor videos, visit my blog directory page to link to more ideas to help you gain control, work smarter and succeed sooner.
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Paul Kingsman is a sought-after expert on how to be distraction-proof. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, he teaches financial services professionals how to maintain focus and take practical daily steps to successfully grow their businesses and achieve outstanding long-term results. To find out more about Paul and how he can equip you or your team to achieve your own outstanding results, visit
"2021 has been a great year for my business, and a lot of that was because of what I learned from you, Paul. You've been an advisor, so you get it! Thank you so much for your invaluable transformative coaching and advice!"
Michelle Glass, Glass Financial Advisors
Wonderful videos and worksheets I had to revisit them as I plan to work Medicare AEP season. Thank you so much for your ideas.
You’re welcome, Stacie. Glad you find them helpful.