Tag: peak performance

Got Goals? Here’s How – Part 2 (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #226)

You've got your big ideas of what you want your life to look like. Now make those long-term goals relatable in your day-to-day.

Got Goals? Here’s How – Part 1 (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #225)

You know you need to set your New Year goals, but you're still feeling burned out from 2020. How do you move forward?

50 Shades of Green – Better 2021 Planning Part 3 (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #221)

Developing a picture isn't an optional part of goal setting; in fact, it's simply too important to skip.

Better 2021 Planning – Part 2 (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #220)

Developing a picture isn't an optional part of goal setting; in fact, it's simply too important to skip.

Better 2021 Planning – Part I (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #219)

Tap into the power of a picture, like many young swimmers did in the early 90s.

Specifics Matter More Than Control (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #218)

Focusing on what you can't control wastes time and energy. To meet your 2021 objectives, do this instead...

Backdoors Are For Wimps (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #217)

When setting objectives for next year, don't wimp out by making excuses before you even begin working towards your goals.

Review, Rest, Recharge, Respond (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #199)

Even though circumstances this year haven't been what any of us had planned, it's no reason to abandon your goals for the year. It's not too late to get back on track if you've been distracted.

Lessons Learned From Wearing Catsuits (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #176)

Tap into the power of a picture, like many young girls did in the early 90s.

Do You Deserve The Title Fiduciary? (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #175)

If you're not including long-term care in the mix for your clients, you're missing an important element of their financial well-being.