Tag: fees

Stop Using This Word (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #327)

Whether your firm allows you to charge for financial plans or not, never give a financial plan away for free.

Rejection Never Feels Great…Initially At Least (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #281)

When you set a price for your services and prospects reject working with you because they don't want to pay your fee, it's OK.

Make It About Value, Not Price (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #259)

If you offer a solution to people's problem, the price you charge for what you do becomes a non-issue. Keep people focused on the benefits they can expect to experience when they work with you.

Don’t Give This Away – Part 2 (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #257)

Last week I said that you are doing your clients a disservice if you don’t charge for doing a financial plan. But some of you are not even allowed to charge for doing a financial plan. So, what are you supposed to do?

Don’t Give This Away – Part I (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #256)

If you're not charging people for financial plans, you're actually doing them a disservice.

Go Ahead – Raise Your Fees (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #239)

If you're providing great service and meeting clients' important needs, don't hesitate to charge a premium price for your services...

Two Fee-Success Stories (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #90)

The inevitability of decreasing fees is a myth. Here's what's happening in the real world...

You CAN Raise Your Fees (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #49)

Staying out of the fee-compression trap relies on your answers to two questions.