Tag: disappointment

Rejection Never Feels Great…Initially At Least (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #281)

When you set a price for your services and prospects reject working with you because they don't want to pay your fee, it's OK.

The Greats Always Come Back (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #149)

No matter the scale of defeat, the greats always come back.

Avoid These Two Dream Killers (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #139)

Don't let disappointments or fears from previous experiences derail your prospect meetings before they even start.

Perspective in the Face of Disappointment – 2016 Olympic Video Series, Episode 2

I'm bringing you a series of videos during the Rio Olympics to give you insights into what the athletes are going through and, importantly, to relate that to your business to help you be a better advisor. Today's video post is about useful ways to respond to disappointing circumstances.