Tag: better

The Greats Always Come Back (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #149)

No matter the scale of defeat, the greats always come back.

Responding to Adversity – 2016 Olympic Video Series, Episode 4

Things don't always go your way. Disappointments may come out of the blue, but they happen. What matters is how you respond. Watch today's video to find out how the world's best athletes respond, so you can take a page from their book...

The Secret to Being Faster, Higher, Stronger – Better! – 2016 Olympic Video Series, Episode 3

Citius. Altius. Fortius. The Olympic motto says what the Games are all about. But how do the athletes keep getting faster, higher, and stronger? World records keep getting broken. What secret do the athletes have and how can you use it to become a better advisor? Watch today's video post to find out...