AdvisorBlast Newsletters

What If You Miss?

Do you get more concerned about potentially missing your objective than excited about the possibility of achieving it?

A Perfect Mix: Ruthlessly Clinical & Wonderfully Relational

We hear a lot about the need for being relational with clients, most keynote presentations or breakout sessions don't talk much about being ruthless.So, let's look at being "ruthlessly clinical yet wonderfully relational" more closely and see why it's important to understand and implement this approach...

Are You a River or a Rapid?

When it comes to being decisive, directed, and deliberate about your business, are you a rapid or river? Rivers are broad, covering large areas, dispersing their force. Rapids, however, are narrowly contained within specific, firm boundaries. This channeling increases their velocity and intensity. Rivers meander and move languidly; rapids are directed and move with power...

Some Perspective for Your Nerves

Contrary to popular opinion, nerves are good. Being a little nervous just means you care about the outcome. Anxiety, on the other hand, is an inhibitor - something that occurs because the circumstances seem out of control because you haven't prepared like you know you should have...

Let Everyone Else Worry

How focused are you in your business? Too many advisors pay too much attention to things they can't control...

Control the Only Thing You Can

No matter how great you might be, how thoroughly prepped you are, and how spectacularly you might perform on the day, the result is left in someone else's hands - usually the prospect's. That's why we can't just define success just by deals we close; ultimately we have no control over that final judgment. The only aspect of the process we have absolute control over is ourselves: our own approach, process, preparation, and performance...

Glance and Go

I strongly believe there is tremendous power in having your goals written down, rather than just vaguely formed in your mind. I know that to many it seems a small and insignificant step that’s easy to skip, but omitting this activity is insidiously costly!

Think Less, Do More

Most people spend too much time thinking about taking their first step instead of actually taking it...

No Process – No Prize

It's easy to be in love with the thought of the end result, but being in love with the daily process that will get you there is more important. If you can't derive pleasure from taking the incremental steps, chances are that you're not going to make it to your final objective.

This Message Isn’t For Everyone

Did the title of this post have you rushing to open it? How did you feel when you read that you might not be included in an exclusive group? While we're concerned about receiving relevant information and being up-to-date, we're wired to be more worried about missing out on something...