
4 Steps To Beat The Winter Blahs

So how do you deal with getting stuff done when you just don’t feel like it?

Maximize Your Most Undervalued Success Tool

One of the most powerful activities successful people do can seem rather passive in comparison: they make quiet time to think...

Lose Wait Now

No, that's not a typo. Lose wait - as in stop waiting for the New Year to begin taking new action on your objectives. With the end of the year in sight, it can be easy to start thinking, "In the New Year, I'll...." Instead, decide what you need to change most and begin taking small steps now...

More Powerful Than Your To-Do List

We hear a lot about "To-Do" lists - checklists of tasks we'd like to complete. While there are some advantages to keeping such a list of things you want to do in the future, do you have an effective, simple way to measure your activities and the results of your completed work? Keeping a "Done" list can be a powerful tool to spur you to further action...

The Power of a Picture

Do you have a clear image of success in your mind - one that, regardless of circumstances, will never fade? Or, has the picture of success you imagined for this year in January dimmed or gotten buried in the clutter of your day-to-day busyness?

What If You Miss?

Do you get more concerned about potentially missing your objective than excited about the possibility of achieving it?

A Perfect Mix: Ruthlessly Clinical & Wonderfully Relational

We hear a lot about the need for being relational with clients, most keynote presentations or breakout sessions don't talk much about being ruthless.So, let's look at being "ruthlessly clinical yet wonderfully relational" more closely and see why it's important to understand and implement this approach...

Are You a River or a Rapid?

When it comes to being decisive, directed, and deliberate about your business, are you a rapid or river? Rivers are broad, covering large areas, dispersing their force. Rapids, however, are narrowly contained within specific, firm boundaries. This channeling increases their velocity and intensity. Rivers meander and move languidly; rapids are directed and move with power...

Let Everyone Else Worry

How focused are you in your business? Too many advisors pay too much attention to things they can't control...

Glance and Go

I strongly believe there is tremendous power in having your goals written down, rather than just vaguely formed in your mind. I know that to many it seems a small and insignificant step that’s easy to skip, but omitting this activity is insidiously costly!