Distraction-Proof® Advisor Ideas

Business-building ideas and advice to move you forward faster.

The Most Important Question for Your Business

It’s Olympic trials season. Dreams of going to the Olympics are coming true or being crushed, with the difference often being mere hundredths of a second. What makes the split-second differences – is it a particular training exercise, diet, or rest? What separates those who will go on to make history from the other competitors? What’s the one thing that matters most? There is no one particular item or activity that separates the top two finishers from the rest. However, they do all have a specific thought process that is crucial for their success. Every action, activity, and response is weighed against a very simple question...

When Flying Blind Works

Joel Pierce was an experienced flight instructor, having been on countless outings with student pilots. But this trip was different - the pilot, Jim Platzer, was blind. Joel’s role was to see, interpret, and navigate what Jim could not perceive on his own, and Jim understood he needed to closely follow Joel’s instructions to successfully achieve his objective. As financial advisors we may long for clients who trust us as much as Joel’s pilot, Jim, trusted him. What are you doing to help your clients understand your role and their need to trust you and closely follow your instructions so they can successfully achieve their financial goals?

Don’t Let Your Past Define Your Future

More than fourteen years of listening to inmates in Marin County Jail hadn’t prepared me for Jacob’s* story. As a jail chaplain I heard how the abuse began when Jacob …

Control What You Can

International political turmoil, out of control costs, no Olympic Village accommodation, and stark competition facilities: all challenges facing the Olympic athletes heading to Rio this August, right? Actually, these were just some of the conditions the athletes confronted at the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece, in April 1896. Yet, those first Olympians persevered in the face of adverse circumstances and started a legacy...

This One Degree Matters Most

Even deviating by a single degree can take you far off course in a journey, leaving you a huge distance from where you initially intended to end up. Circumnavigate the globe in a plane beginning at the equator and diverge by one degree and you’ll end up approximately 500 miles off course by the time you complete the trip.
What seemingly small, slightly off habits or approaches are part of your regular routine?

A Sure Way to Stay Top of Mind

Are you creating pictures people can easily remember you by? A picture is worth way more than a thousand words. When you link an idea, issue, or threat to a relevant familiar image, people remember you and your point much more easily than they would relying words alone. Here are some pictures you can paint for those you advise...

Don’t Change a Thing

What if you skipped making any New Year resolutions this year? You’d be in great company. Some of the world’s highest achievers woke up on January 1st with no New Year resolutions or plans for major changes in their life – and they’ll certainly make history this year as they intentionally do not change a single habit, pursue new ideas, nor chase any new trend. They don’t want to change anything; they’re determined to simply repeat what they were doing last year. Because it’s working for them.

Take It Easy

It’s time to start considering what you want to achieve and improve for the coming year and set your 2016 goals. This time, consider a gentler approach, which can be much more effective than the dramatic changes we often pursue.

The Key to Connecting with Prospects and Clients

Effective advisors are prepared to quickly connect with their prospects and clients and genuinely express interest and care. Recognize that this doesn’t come from off-the-cuff comments, and also realize preparing ahead doesn’t mean delivering canned lines. Do you have tried and true words to effectively draw your clients and prospects into meaningful conversations from the get-go?

An Easy Way to Put Clients at Ease

Most people don’t like change, and uncertain change in relation to their finances is particularly uncomfortable. On the other hand, when people know what to expect, they feel more comfortable because have a sense of control and familiarity.