Distraction-Proof® Advisor Ideas

Business-building ideas and advice to move you forward faster.

Make Scripts a Part of Your Daily Routine (Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea Video #337)

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Well-delivered well-written scripts mean words hit their mark. As an advisor, scripts are a great tool to have in your belt because they give you conviction and confidence and free you to listen most effectively. All this helps to create trust and motivate people to action.

  • Plan ahead. Think about what you want to say when and write down the specific words you will use.
  • Practice saying your planned words. Repeated practice lets you deliver the words of your script naturally and credibly.
  • Receiving less than an enthusiastic affirmative response to your words doesn’t necessarily mean your script is wrong. It can mean that person is simply not a good fit for you.

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Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman is a sought-after expert on how to be distraction-proof. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, he teaches financial services professionals how to maintain focus and take practical daily steps to successfully grow their businesses and achieve outstanding long-term results. To find out more about Paul and how he can equip you or your team to achieve your own outstanding results, visit PaulKingsman.com.

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