Distraction-Proof® Advisor Ideas

Business-building ideas and advice to move you forward faster.

Hit the Ground Running in The New Year

AdviserBlast – Quick Tips to Accelerate Your Practice
In this issue: Learn the 3 vital elements you MUST have to ensure you achieve your goals


It’s not too soon to be planning for New Year, and this issue will give you practical tips to help you hit the ground running in January.

I heard you speak several months ago, and you mentioned that you use a method called TARGET Goals when coaching advisers. I can’t find my hand-out. Can you remind me what TARGET stands for and how to use your method?

This is a great time to be setting your goals for 2009 so you’re set to hit the ground running on January 2nd!

And, great job on taking the initiative to write your goals down! We often think we’re doing fine if we simply make a mental note of our goals and have a general idea of what we’ll do to reach them! We too easily dismiss how powerful writing our aims and steps can be!

Harvard Business School did a study on the financial status of its students 10 years after graduation and found that the 3% who were financially independent were the only ones who had written out their goals and the steps required to reach them!

Take the time to write down your goals and the specific steps you will take to achieve them!

So what are TARGET Goals?

I like using this format developed by my friend David Russell, because TARGET Goals require you to set goals which contain the three key ingredients required to successfully set, pursue, and achieve your goals:

  1. a realistic action – your goal must be attainable or you will only be frustrated and discouraged
  2. an honest measurement of progress -to allow you to clearly and objectively evaluate your efforts and be able to see very quickly if you are on track to meet your objectives, and
  3. a deadline – this creates a sense of urgency and forces us to be disciplined and actually do what we say.

Use the word “TARGET” as an acronym to remind you to write down each element of your goal:

T: start with the word “To”
A: follow it up with an action verb (grow, manage, increase, etc.)
:add a realistic goal area or focus
E: include an effective measure of success
T: close with a specific time in which to achieve the goal.

For more details about how to set your own highly effective TARGET Goals and a worksheet to guide you through the exercise, download the instructions and template from my web site by clicking here.

Now is the time to allocate a couple of hours to setting your 2009 goals. Use the TARGET Goals worksheet for any area of your life in which you desire to make progress: physical, family, or spiritual, as well as business.

Don’t aim to complete them in a single sitting:  jot down some initial ideas and then revisit them in a couple of days, after you’ve had time to dwell on them for a bit.

Many people talk about lofty goals and ambitions, but the people who seriously value their time and effort record what they need to do in order to get what they want. Get ready to make 2009 a stellar year for yourself, your family, and your company!

Stay Tenacious!

Copyright Paul Kingsman 2008
Paul Kingsman provides financial services professionals practical tools to achieve consistent, outstanding results. As a motivational speaker and executive coach, he is a sought after expert on how to make your split seconds count. Having won an Olympic medal by only four one-hundredths of a second, Paul knows the importance of keeping focused and now teaches people how to overcome distractions and achieve their own success. His experience as an adviser for Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo has given him an insider’s understanding of the unique business challenges faced by financial services professionals and an ability to guide his clients in implementing results oriented solutions.

To find out more about how he can help equip you or your team to achieve your own Split Second Success® through his presentations or executive coaching, email him at Paul@PaulKingsman.com

Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman is a sought-after expert on how to be distraction-proof. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, he teaches financial services professionals how to maintain focus and take practical daily steps to successfully grow their businesses and achieve outstanding long-term results. To find out more about Paul and how he can equip you or your team to achieve your own outstanding results, visit PaulKingsman.com.

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