Distraction-Proof® Advisor Ideas

Business-building ideas and advice to move you forward faster.

After It’s Over

2008 Preparing for Excellence Series – Issue 16

2008 Beijing Olympics

The Beijing Olympics gave us some indelible images: Michael Phelps winning his eighth gold medal, Usain Bolt’s awesome 100m and 200m double on the track, and Nastia Liukin’s all-around gold medal performance are just a few that are vivid in my mind.

Now, though, the Olympics are over, and just like the athletes who face major decisions about what to do next, you face similar issues after you have had your own ‘performance day.’

A year ago, when I first started this series of newsletters which tracked with the Olympic Games, I asked you to think about a 12 month goal and start working toward that. Some of you may have achieved your objective and some may have come up a little short.

Regardless, when you come to the end of the time period you set to achieve your objective, you need to evaluate your activities and results and then set new goals and objectives.

Now is the time to review your performance honestly and thoroughly.

  • Did you hit your objective? Pat yourself on the back if you achieved your desired outcome for the year.
  • Are there areas you can improve upon? If so, what are they and how do you intend to set new goals with these potential improvements factored in to your process?
  • Prepare for next year’s success: think about how fast the year has gone by, and realize the next twelve months will go by just as quickly. So, start setting your next series of specific objectives to move you toward great success in 2009.

What’s Next?
Thank you for all of the positive feedback I’ve received over the last year regarding the Preparing for Excellence series.

Although the Olympics are over, we all know that it is vital to maintain that same ‘Olympian’ perspective and approach in all that we do; that is why each month I’ll continue to send you insights and tips about how best to eradicate distraction, maintain focus in an ever-more fragmented environment, and achieve your own history making results.

Starting in October the format will be slightly different, but the content will be just as applicable and relevant. Each issue, I am going to feature a question or two sent in by readers specific to the financial services industry. If you have questions regarding anything I’ve written about over the last year, questions about best practices, or how to more effectively progress in your career, please email them to me, and I’ll use as many as I can (anonymously) as subject material for upcoming editions.

I look forward to hearing from you!
– Paul

Copyright Paul Kingsman 2008
Know where you're headed in 2009? Do you have a fool-proof plan to get you there? Paul Kingsman – Olympic medalist, professional speaker and executive coach – helps his clients overcome distractions to stay on track and achieve outstanding results.

To find out more about how he can help equip you or your team to achieve your own Split Second Success® through his presentations or executive coaching, contact him at http://www.paulkingsman.com.

Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman

Paul Kingsman is a sought-after expert on how to be distraction-proof. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, he teaches financial services professionals how to maintain focus and take practical daily steps to successfully grow their businesses and achieve outstanding long-term results. To find out more about Paul and how he can equip you or your team to achieve your own outstanding results, visit PaulKingsman.com.

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